Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Protect yourself with self love to avoid mistreatment and manipulation

If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything. My Granny has said that to me a million times. I don't think there is anything more valunarable than a person that lacks self worth. When we don't love ourselves we look for validation from others. We will allow people to talk to us any kind of way, treat us like we are optional and misuse and abuse us. It's because they are aware of the control they have over our self esteem. They will manipulate us around their wants and needs. If we feel good about ourselves they will find away to drag us down to keep us in lack mentality and insecurity about who we are to be sure we don't build ourselves up beyond their control. If we are feeling down they will pretend to be our savior and drown us in emotional debt that we can never pay back and make slaves out of us in our attempt to redeem ourselves. 
You are valuable because your consciousness is valuable. Some people may want your body, beauty, or your money but they gotta get to your mind in order to keep it. The control over a mind has been desired all through out our history because if you can manipulate someone you can get anything you want. 
Advertisements build fantasies and make billions off of us all by selling us imagery that makes us question the quality of our lifes. You may not even have a viral disease; but these commercials of happy people riding bikes and dancing with their friends at a bar dressed up smiling makes you wonder sometimes if you need one so you can take what they are selling and get happy.
 Our interactions with people around us are no different. You may be offended sometimes by being bombarded with advertisement to buy things but have you noticed the same tactics from the people you invite into your life? People who you know to be absent of emotions and display of feelings as long as you have known them are suddenly crying to keep you from walking away? People who compliment you constantly and claim to love you but does not know a single thing about who you actually are. Even though they have miles of information readily available to them about you? People who undermine what's important to you all the time in the guise of it being about someone else to subliminally plant feelings of worthlessness in you about it.             When I was struggling with my self esteem I fell for all of these kinds of things. I was constantly seeking approval. Everything I would attempt to do with my life I would walk around with it looking for feedback. I put alot of things I truly love down because the people I wanted to support me the most thought it was stupid, strange, or they just simply didn't approve because it wasn't their vision for me. I don't look back at it in regret because I've learned what real love and support is from seeing what it is not.
         I have 2 beautiful sons 10 years old and 18 years old. Like all parents I had my own vision for them but I learned quickly what I wanted for them and who they actually are does not mix. I could push my agenda and manipulate them into feeling their ideas and dreams are useless like lots of parents do but that would bring up a question..... Do I love them for who they are or what I want them to be? They are my children with destinies of their own not my private possessions to control. I'm just a lucky guide to give them options by teaching them all the things I've learned.
 My point is people that truly value you do not wish to manipulate and control you. Real love is nurturing, teaching and guiding you along the way and wishing you happiness. Not all of us were so lucky to get that kind of unconditional love. Unfortunately it puts alot of us out in the world with the belief that we aren't good enough and we are scared to make decisions for ourselves without approval because we have never been approved of. It creates low self esteem and self worth and we become victims of others that will exploit and misuse us because we so badly need someone to say it's alright to be ourselves. I'm here to tell you that it is perfectly alright to be yourself and I hope you really hear me if you have been needing to to recognize it.. It's alright to be yourself because I believe that our true self is the one that makes our dreams come true and bring us happiness. It's your true self that is destined for greatness. You may go far being who people told you to be but your gonna wake up one day... hopefully not on your death bed wondering why you allowed them to manipulate you into not being you.